
Showing posts from February, 2021

WWE Viewer-ship from different countries is been revealed! | India | Africa | South Korea | Canada | More

WWE  TV ratings and viewership figures will always be the most important measuring sticks to ascertain its results. WWE has had its fair share of struggles with dwindling TV ratings during the pandemic era of wrestling, and the arrival of AEW has only increased the scrutiny of TV rating trends. While the figures in the United States have been consistently low, barring a few brief spikes, the viewership in other countries paints a promising picture for the WWE. The average viewership for  RAW  in India for January 2021 was more than 4 million viewers per week.  SmackDown  drew 3 million per week, while  NXT  also managed to pull in a little over a million in the first month of the new year. South Africa drew an average that exceeded 1 million viewers for both RAW and SmackDown. Canada, Germany, and Italy drew around 300,000 viewers per week, respectively, for the RAW and SmackDown broadcasts. The report only had the SmakDown number for South Korea, which was more than 300,000 viewers. T